Art Director/Graphic Designer

Do not hesitate to contact if you have some project in mind. I will insight some lights & unicorns there.


Born in Shizuoka, Japan. After studied Information Engineering and Color Engineering at The University of Electro-Communications, moved to New York. Studied Digital Graphic Design at CUNY Bronx Community College. Since 2008, I have been working for Firefly Design + Communications Inc. as an art director/senior designer, directing and designing corporate branding, printed materials, web promotions for a wide variety of companies from Fortune 500 to small businesses.

Since April 2015, I have been a member a member of the Advisory Board of CUNY Bronx Community College Digital Arts. As a member, I am involved in discussing the school curriculum, find internship and job opportunities for students, and giving presentations about graphic design at BCC on a regular basis.

In February 2018, I joined a member of Creative Technology and Design Advisory Board of Fashion Institute of Technology. I provide support and advice to their User Experience (UX) certification program, assist in the development of new programs, and identify best practice standards.

静岡県生まれ。電気通信大学にて情報通信工学、および色彩工学を学んだ後に渡米。CUNY Bronx Community CollegeにてDigital Graphic Designを専攻し、卒業後の2008年よりFirefly Design + Communicationsに勤務。アートディレクター/シニアデザイナーとしてFortune 500企業から中小企業まで、幅広い範囲においてブランディング、各種印刷物、ウェブのディレクション及びデザインを手がける。


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